The latest research found green tea may have major repercussions for our health. In China, tea drinking is a highly popular beverage. Tea suppresses the development of cancer cells, according to the study. the tea drinkers effectively lowered the risk of cancer This is great news, but how does this work?
Many researchers are jumping in to debate the validity of the information on cancer-preventing tea. Another possibility proposed is that antioxidants in tea reduce DNA damage. This damage could lead to many disorders. Antioxidants decrease tumour development. Based on these data, it would seem to make sense.
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Scientists have studied many varieties of tea, and the findings are consistent. Black teas have more antioxidants than green or oolong teas. Studies demonstrate that tea lowers LDL cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart disease. Similar findings are found when looking for health advantages in oolong teas, notably in reducing cholesterol levels.
Also, a recent study has shown that tea helps prevent cancer. This is known as "tea-squirting chemo". This seems like an obvious expectation, yet many people doubt it's as fantastic as others claim it is.
This has been sparked by two separate research. Women with and without breast cancer were studied in the first research. The second group of researchers studied males with thyroid carcinoma. Both chemoprevention and survival showed no significant differences between the groups. The findings were considered not significant due to the small sample size and the low number of cancers in the males.
Black teas contain several antioxidants. Green tea contains several antioxidants, as well as a handful of other antioxidants. Just as potent, you may have one cup of black tea or as many cups of green tea as you choose. However, we don't know precisely how tea may help prevent cancer just yet, so additional research will be required.
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