Tuesday 29 September 2020

The Google Ad Displays Targeting Report


The Google Ad Displays Targeting Report allows you to check the performance of your individual Google Ads displays campaigns targeting the AdWords Display Network (ADN). This report contains information from the Advertiser's perspective, including how much you are paying on average and what percentage of your ads are actually displaying. This is a useful tool for advertisers and for Google itself because it helps to build and sustain a profitable advertising program.

This information is broken down into three categories: Ad Network/Advertiser: The Ad Network and Advertiser section let you examine how many impressions of each ad are displayed by an audience, and how many times the ad is clicked on. It also provides the total number of times the ad has been clicked, and it compares the number of impressions with the number of clicks.

The Advertiser: This section gives you more details about the advertising campaign, including information on the budget and cost per click (CPC) associated with each ad. You can choose to view this information as an aggregate number, so you will be comparing the cost of several ads over time. You can also view the cost-per-impression and cost-per-clicks to see which ad offers the best return on investment (ROI). To improve your own targeting, you can select the right campaigns to optimize for a particular audience.

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The Display Network: This section provides information on the number of clicks, impressions, and impressions per ad across the Display Network. You can select the target ad networks and geographic region you want to study. By comparing the total number of impressions of each ad, you will be able to determine the most effective campaigns to run. You can also select which keywords are used in your ad campaigns, if there are any keywords that are underperforming.

The Search Network: This section gives you information on the number of impressions per search engine query for each ad. You can select the search engine you want to measure and see the CTR (Click Through Rate) of each ad you display. This data provides an idea of which keywords are performing well, and which ones you should not be using.

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to learn about the Google Ad Display Network. A basic understanding of how it works can help you make better decisions about your future advertising needs.

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